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The prayer between the East and the West

What is Prayer ? Part 2

GoodMorningLonDon | 기사입력 2024/01/13 [08:36]

The prayer between the East and the West

What is Prayer ? Part 2

GoodMorningLonDon | 입력 : 2024/01/13 [08:36]

 Meaning of '빌다(祈)' and '기도하다'

the prayer. The ancient script















To hope for something, to desire, to wish - collectively, we refer to these actions as prayer. Examining the ancient script, we find characters depicting gods, two individuals, and spirits performing supernatural deeds, following the divine.





 The character representing an unseen god evolves over time, settling into the shape 示 (showing), suggesting the presence of the divine. In contrast, the character 示 representing something invisible is often interpreted as 'earth-name ghost.'

The character frequently appearing alongside gods depicts two individuals, gradually emphasizing the god while the character for the spirit fades away, ultimately disappearing along with the two figures.

This character, associated with gods, often includes the character for a person (人), signifying an unseen, mysterious entity.


Of particular note here is the Korean word the prayer'빌다' (bilda).

빌다 (bilda):acction of pray-verb


To fervently request an otherworldly being, with reverence and religious belief, to make something happen. This may involve bringing both hands together or folding them in a praying position.

"Praying for God's blessing."

To earnestly wish in one's heart.

"I sincerely hope for your success."

In Korean, '빌다' encompasses the act of bringing both hands together, expressing a fervent desire. Thus, when seeking forgiveness for a wrongdoing, the humble act of bowing is inherent, symbolizing utmost humility.


As seen in '빌 기(祈),' the character 示 before the divine is an act of cutting away something with an axe (斤) and expressing a request to the god. This aligns with the biblical verse from Jeremiah 4:4, urging the people of Judah and Jerusalem to circumcise their hearts and submit to the Lord.


In '빌다,' the act of prayer involves bringing both hands together or lifting them upwards. Hence, having nothing in the hands is considered essential.


"O people of Judah and residents of Jerusalem, circumcise yourselves to the Lord, remove the foreskin of your hearts..." - Jeremiah 4:4


As seen in '빌 기(祈),' just like cutting away material desires or greed with an axe (斤) before the divine 示, praying is the act of seeking from the gods. This reflects our ancient script, mirroring the biblical phrase 'circumcise the foreskin of the heart.'

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